For more information on the Bataan Memorial Death March, you can go here. Does anyone want to join me??
Warning: The blog you are about to read may contain content that may be graphic, funny, motivating, thought-provoking, disturbing, inspirational, incredible, enlightening, or boring. Content is intended for human consumption only. You may find your inner voyeur temporarily satisfied but soon craving for more. You have embarked into my world now. Viewer discretion is advised.
I also got a lovely poinsettia that was left over from the Holiday Ball. I guess it was one of the perks of staying until the end and dancing the night away. I told my fellow PA that we should cancel sick call on Monday to go to Legal Services to account for damages to the dance floor bece WE TORE IT UP!! And I was sober too. There might be someone out there who is waiting to black mail me with video of my moves, so beware!
A couple weeks ago El Paso was hit with a freak snow storm. It wasn't that bad, it's just that El Pasoans are not used to snow. A few days later there was another storm but it mostly left EVERY road (including I-10) covered in ice! I think I wore out my guardian angels that day as I did a little "gliding" on Fred Wilson Blvd early that morning. Of course I didn't get the message that the base was going to open up two hours later that morning.
Another tid bit, one job I'm really glad I don't have: the security gate people. Yeah, they have looked pretty cold recently. Maybe when I roll down my window to hand them my ID, I momentarily blast them with a little Christmas music and heat. It has warmed up since, so don't let a little cold weather deter you from visiting me in the "beautiful" city of El Paso!
100 Reasons to Visit Me.
24. It's me!! Is there any better reason?
81. You can watch the sunset over two states and two countries
10. Avila's Mexican Restaurant
4. Good mountain biking (I have heard).
25. Good salsa.
50. You can walk some of the same roads Billy the Kid walked in Las Cruces, NM.
97. Albuquerque temple
23. Many of these places I haven't been to yet, we can explore together!
76. White Sands National Monument
31. It is possible to snow in El Paso (but not enough that you have to worry about shoveling the sidewalk).
64. I'll make you cookies. Maybe even a pie.
5. Good stopover to visiting other cities in Texas. Dallas and San Antonio are about 8-9 hours away. There's not much in between them and El Paso, believe me.
65. Lots of hiking opportunities.
69. Have you ever been this close to Mexico?? Sorry I can't cross the border with you.
44. Ciudad Juarez temple (sorry, can't go with you there either).
17. The night janitor is concerned for my social life. Having an out-of-town visitor may motivate me to procrastinate finishing my notes a little.
61. BlueBelle Ice Cream
77. Some bands/singers do actually come to perform in El Paso. So far since I've been here, there's been Brittany Spears, Parachute, and Kelly Clarkson, David Cook, Manheim Steamroller, and Third Eye Blind are coming in the next few weeks.
55. Hobby Lobby (crafts/home accents store - usually has good sales).
26. Just 40 minutes from the Land of Enchantment -- New Mexico!!
90. You can stop in Phoenix on the way here from California. It's a good half-way point.
3. Taco Cabana: 24 Hour Tacos and good rotisserie chicken.
60. Will you ever see a Wal Mart parking lot with more cars from Mexico than from Texas?
13. Home of the National Border Patrol Museum
86. It's Sun City, USA. Famous for an average of 302 days of sunshine throughout the yar.
9. A huge Cinco De Mayo festival
39. El Paso is the 21st largest metropolitan area in the United States.
6. How many people can really say that they've been to El Paso?
19. It's on the way to Houston, New Orleans, Florida, and a bunch of other places.
58. I have a nice view of cactus from my balcony. Lots of it.
96. UTEP (University of Texas El Paso) makes it a college town, I guess. Go Miners!
78. Lots of men and women in uniform.
7. Awesome lightning storms.
47. Tax free shopping at the Post Exchange (like a Target/WalMart) and Commissary (grocery store on post)!
59. I may actually be motivated to cook some real food.
41. Excuse to visit the largest state in the continental United States
89. There's a cool star that lights up on the mountain. It just happens to be the world's largest illuminated star.
67. Ruby's BBQ. Has some really good BBQ sauce. There's also a Famous Dave's that I still need to check out.
86. When I'm standing in line at the grocery store, people seem to be very chatty here.
11. Annual Amigo Airshow held at Fort Bliss.
73. Have you ever seen a volcanic crater? Well, now you can.
51. Since it's in the Mountain Standard Time Zone, television shows come on one hour earlier = a. better chance of catching your favorite show, and b. Getting to bed earlier.
79. Delta offers some of the cheapest, non-stop flights from Salt Lake City.
84. I recently discovered a place that sells frozen custard. I haven't seen one of those places since college.
83. Annual Wine and Jazz festival in Las Cruces.
43. Stephen's Hot Cocoa and a lot of imported German treats are available at the commissary.
30. You might be inspired if you watch "Glory Road"
45. There's a couple of scenic drives around El Paso, including a road known as "Scenic Drive."
32. Transmountain road is kind of fun to drive.
70. I live in a safe neighborhood.
29. 6th largest city in Texas!
35. You know you want to.
40. I have MREs available to use for any spontaneous camping trips.
52. Time to catch-up on your life.
63. I won't be making it to California for November.
72. You're missing out on all of my craziness.
82. You need a vacation.
95. I need to see some familiar faces.
38. Good, clean fun! But I don't mind get a little dirt on my clothes either.
42. I haven't had much bad traffic experience here in El Paso (then again, I leave for work at 5:10 in the morning).
56. Free hugs!
62. You can mark "Texas" off of your list of life-long goal of states to vist.
85. There's a Spanish radio station that plays a variety of English rock and alternative songs that you don't hear as often.
98. Carpe diem!!
68. I'm running out of reasons, but there really are more...
78. Complimentary sopapillas at Mexican restaurants. I have never seen that before.
46. Guadalupe Mountains National Park
74. "El Paso is like a big ugly wart, but it grows on you." -- Brother Jessop
87. I have hope for some wildflowers in the spring.
93. You can get your "Jennette-ic" fix.
48. Big Bend National Park
87. Time spent with those you love is the best investment.
94. El Paso is not really a tourist trap.
91. There's actually a Vietnamese restaurant in El Paso. How's that for culinary variety?
53. You can put your sunblock to good use.
71. Adventure awaits you!
57. Did I mention that I miss you?
* The San Antonio temple is very beautiful! It always feels like home, no matter where I am. I hope I can make it back again before I leave San Antonio.
*I've been enjoying a few other attractions of San Antonio. I was able to go to Sea World and Six Flags over Labor Day weekend. They're not quite like their California equivalents, but they were pretty fun.
*San Antonio finally got some rain!! It makes for a bit of mud around here, but it's been great.
Another fun moment this last week was Saturday night when I went to a dueling piano bar called Howl At The Moon on the Riverwalk in San Antonio. The pianos were going non-stop and they occasionally added in some drums or a guitar too. The crowd sang along to all of the songs. I loved the contest of choosing the cheesiest song from the 1980's. It tied with "Rock Me Amadeus" and "Gloria". At one point they had all the prior and active service military come on stage and sing along to "I'm Proud To Be An American" and it was pretty awesome.
Today I was waiting to do some medical in-processing (get immunizations, put medical info into the system, and do a vision exam). I arrived at 7 with over 150 other people after a 5:45 formation before breakfast. It took over 3 hours to get the computer system back up again and when all was said and done, I got out 6 1/2 hours later. During this time, I played a few games of tic tac toe and the dot game with the captain next to me, checked my Facebook about a dozen times, chit-chatted with a few other people surrounding me, and attempted to write my first post via phone. Unfortunately, the online access wasn't that great so I'm just doing it now before I touch-up my powerpoint presentation on STDs for tomorrow. Ahhhh, STDs. Fortunately I don't have to give it before lunch. I made it out with a Tb test, a polio vaccine (weird military protocol...), my second Hep A, and the easiest and quickest vision test ever. I thought for sure I would have trouble with that one, but I could use my good eye. At least I don't have to wear ugly "Birth Control" glasses when I'm in the field.
More to come...