* It's still been pretty hot. There have been a few heat injuries, especially amongst my platoon. This week we're suppose to start our physical training again. Oh, how I'm looking forward to that!
* I think the most beautiful sight I saw was the porta-potty maintenance truck pull up. It almost brought a tear to my eye...well, maybe not. It was still rather exciting. Those things can smell pretty bad. I also learned it's best to get in line early for meals, as the line backs all the way up to the latrines.
* I've been getting accustomed to the MREs (meals ready to eat). I had quite a hit of indigestion after the first two. I'm even starting to get use to the rehydration salts, which tasted pretty nasty in the beginning. It's been nicknamed "sweat water."
*I survived land navigation. I've developed a greater appreciation for safety eyewear, patrol cap, and uniform. The daytime course had me going through a lot of branches and night-time I plowed through quite a bit of cactus.
*With all the bruises I've managed to acquire, I'm starting to look like a human Dalmatian.
* Often in the morning and during the few rest breaks there's music played over the loudspeaker. This included a wide variety of classics including Tiffany's "I Think We're Alone Now." One of the first mornings we were awoken by some weird movie soundtrack with a little girl crying, "Daddy!! Don't leave me!"
* My battle buddy had her birthday while we in the field. I bought her some lunch from the "gut truck" to spare her an MRE.
*I have to have my weapon - an M-16 - tied (literally) to me practically 24/7. Even when we use the latrines. I feel like it's my long lost conjoined twin. I named it Enrique. I don't know if Enrique and I will be reunited again for this next week. He will always be my "first"...
* I felt like I may have cheated on Enrique when I did my 9mm pistol training. I did do a lot better on the range with the pistol than with the M-16. I'm sorry Enrique...
* My shower Friday night was the first shower I had since Monday morning and it felt soooo good. Loved it.
* This weekend went way too fast. Part of it must have been the fact that I slept until noon on Saturday. Yep, I was that tired. One of the highlights was taking advantage of Sonic's happy hour. So many drink choices!! I was already thinking of my next drink before I finished my blue coconut cream slush. It hit the spot.
4 a.m. Monday morning comes way too early. There's sure to be more adventures this week.
Are you telling me that all your night hikes back home and at Girls camp didn't prepare you for this? :) lol. I'm so proud of you. It was nice of you to remember her Birthday. The heat sounds miserable. I hope your drinking enough water. Love you!!!
I LOVE your posts. They are so fascinating. It's like you're on another planet. You should write a book.
WOW! I always enjoy reading your posts. You're quite the writer.
I am in total agreement with Rachel here, your posts are fascinating. I admire you for what you are doing, I could never do that!
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