My next big goal is the Bataan Memorial Death March, which takes place in White Sands, New Mexico every year. Every year, thousands or people from around the world -- military member, civilians, amputees, children, adults, and the elderly-- participate in a march in memory of the soldiers who survived and died during the 60 mile Bataan Death March during World War II after they were forced to surrender to the Japanese. The intro to the movie,
"The Great Raid," offers a good summary of the events of the Bataan Death March. It's a bit heavy, but pretty honest too.

Some of my military friends are forming a team to participate. We've been practicing for the last month every Saturday morning on
Transmountain Road and through Franklin Mountains State Park. I've decided to be on the "light" team (just carrying water) because I really haven't been able to "PT" everyday and this is my first march, but I did try the 35 pound ruck sack the last time and it wasn't too bad (of course it was only for a little more than half of the 10 mile practice hike we did). Maybe I'll build up. We'll see.

This was after the weird November snow fall going up
Transmountain Road. A perk of training on Saturday mornings and enjoying quiet, lovely views like these. A lovely view of Texas and New Mexico (
Soccorro, far left)

For more information on the Bataan Memorial Death March, you can go
here. Does anyone want to join me??
Good luck! I actually just found out that my mom's uncle was in the Bataan Death March and it made me want to research it. It does not, however, make me want to reenact it, so you're going to have to do it without me. But I'll be rooting for you.
Wow--I'm so proud of you! I'm totally out of shape, but will live vicariously through you.
We definitely need to play when you are here!
Oh, you have writen very much.
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