Friday, April 4, 2008

Angry Dance

This past week I had a moment of anger. For those of you who know me, this is a pretty rare event. A house that my family owns in Utah was broken into. Quite a few appliances, including my future appliances, if my sis doesn't need them, were taken: the washer and dryer, the microwave, curtains, lamps, heavy tv, the garage door opener, and some other things. They were going to take a bathroom sink (at least not the kitchen sink) but we found it in the garage. To add one more insult, they didn't flush the toilet! My other disappointment of the week was the new car air freshener I bought. I, being a lover of all things coconut, was disappointed that it made my car smell bad, prompting another trip to the store and settling on a tangerine/grapefruit scent. I will never buy a "California" brand air freshener again. Just needed to vent. My moment of anger did pass, but I'm sure if I was more experienced with this feeling, I would have learned to channel the energy into something creative, like the funky dance as seen below...


Nilla said...

Umm... unless you want the saxophone (? maybe that's what that was?) dude following you around to play your theme music, I'd say venting is the way to go... :). I'm sorry to hear about the Ogden house. that is so wrong. And you can buy up all the coconut smellies in AL if you want. I don't like it. I'll take vanilla anyday :).

Heather said...

I LOVE Flight of the Concords!!!! :-) You should definately come up with your own version of the angry dance...I'm sure it would make every horrible situation seem a little better. It's Lame that people are theives--They should all live in the same community, and just steal from each other....then it'd me more like borring, cuz the other person will take it back eventually...
And I totally understand about the air smells--It takes me a long time to finally decide which one is best, and then when I get in my car, some of them seem to change.