1. I have trauma shears and The Alchemist in my purse and a stroller in the trunk of my car.
2. I have a pink stuffed elephant named "Brother Hirschi." It was a gift from him and now a memorial to him.
3. I have never been able to blow a bubble with gum. I've tried many times and have blown the gum out of my mouth. Be careful if you make me attempt this again.
4. I spent quite a few Friday and Saturday nights in the cadaver lab at Weber State University. Alone. I see dead people... they smell bad...
5. I was bit by an ostrich.
6. The muse that inspired my third-grade writing assignments was Bud the class guinea pig.
7. While I was in the MTC I developed an addiction to wintergreen breathsavers (I think it was the retzin buzz). I once consumed a whole roll in under 2 hours. I've also been known to get a little buzzed off of Orange Bang. It's probably the sugar.
Hmmm... who am I going to tag next??
ROFLaughing. I totally forgot about Bud. He was your whole world. It made me think of Ben. I'm sure that Bud was much nicer then Ben the Rabbit. That's hillarious that you still have the stroller in your car. We'll use it next time I come over. Great posts Jennette.
I actually read this on Friday... because I'm a dedicated blog-stalker. But, since you invited me back, I figured I'd leave you a commment :). That ostrich story sounds like it would be interesting... And the cadaver thing... Hmmm... That is an interesting piece of trivia about Becky's sister...
Whoa, is that Ben Jonson's "The Alchemist" that you have in your purse? If it is, I am going to be super-impressed!
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