Today in my PANCE review class on psychiatric disorders the lecturer mentioned his fear of clowns. I admitted to a classmate that one of my earliest fears as a kid was Mr. Slim Goodbody. For those of you who were children of the 80's and watched PBS, you probably remember him. My classmate said he loved Mr. Goodbody and even went as far to emulate him by drawing "veins" and "arteries" on himself with markers. Although his messages on health and hygiene were good, I found his 'fro and the spandex to be a little creepy. Around that same time, my young mind confused him with Richard Simmons as being the same person, and hence my fear of 'fro-sporting, spandex-clad men contin

ued throughout my childhood. Okay, into my adolescence too... Alright, alright...into my young adulthood as well. Now don't get me wrong, I'm one who is an advocate for all things hippy-dippy (health promotion disease prevention). It is an important part of my profession. But do we really need spandex clad, flamboyant, creepy people to be the main representatives?
One of the other fears of my childhood was the villain from the "Care Bears" movie. With an evil

face inside an old book, that surely encourages literacy and a love of books for those who are just beginning to read. Fortunately, I had "Reading Rainbow" to counteract that effect.
Do I still have a fear of Richard Simmons? Well, I have gone through a long desensitization process over the years. However, I will admit that if I am locked in a room with Richard Simmons posters plastered to the wall for even a small amount of time, you might find me curled up in a fetal position and rocking back and forth with a catatonic stare.
Okay, you don't know me... I'm a friend of Becky's. (And an admitted blog-stalker). But this cracked me up!! Plus you've said you love to get comments. Loved the comparison between Mr. Goodbody (I too was a child of the 80s, but I grew up overseas where we didn't have PBS, so I was not subjected to him) and Richard Simmons (even overseas you couldn't escape him). Not to mention your descriptions of them. And I LOVE the Care Bears in Wonderland movie!! I remember that face/villain (was this from a different Care Bear movie?). Never thought about the book thing, though. I do remember that i used to dramatically sing "When I'm the king of Wonderland" and make my brother laugh... Anyway, I've got some 80s stuff on my blog too, so feel free to peruse it and leave comments if you ever feel so inclined... The 80s rule!
I totally agree--Afro+Spandex=(Me hiding in a corner). I'm so glad we're blog buddies now!
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I liked the book villian better than Professor Coldheart. That guy freaked me out. I think I remember some guy tapping out on UFC after his opponent did the Care Bear Stare.
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