Girl Scout Cookies!!
Is there any thing better that happens in March??(unless you are a college basketball fan)
I like all of the cookies, but my favorie are the Samoas, or whatever they are called, because I guess that name is not PC. It's the chewy, chocolately, caramely, and best of all- coconutty- goodness that is like a legalized version of crack for me. As much as I love the Dreyer's ice cream version, it hardly has enough pieces to get enough of the buzz that such a cookie brings.

Why must we "Beware the Ides of March" when there are wonderful cookies to enjoy??
I had my mom order some for me from the girls in her ward because for the last 2 years I've had to go on a hunt through all the groccery stores in Upland just to find any girl scouts to buy them off of.
And they didn't have girl scouts in Cesaer's day. Maybe the Senate would have been a little happier and wouldn't have killed him if they knew the yummy goodness of a Tag-Along.
OHHH YES!..but have to wait for another 2 weeks or so til they come in...
mmmmmmm my favorite too. I don't have to worry about Brian stealing them cuz he doesn't like the Coconut. The Girl Scout lady says that we can find them pretty much anywhere except outside Target. Target banned them.
I don't know any girl scouts out here so I'm sure hoping I find some outside of the grocery store one of these days. The Samoas are my favorites too, not caramel delights, Samoas!
Sadness for Amanda. Everyone take a moment.
I was MIA from church during the month of January and apparently I missed the round of girl Scout cookies sales. So now I am back at church on the 'non-abreviated schedule' only to catch the delivery of said cookies. AND to boot, Girl Scouts don't sell cookies at grocery stores here in the Frozen Tundra. Why do I live here again.
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