Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008 In Review

2008 by the numbers:

Thousands: of miles traveled; money deducted from my gross pay for the government; money paid back on student loans, lights enjoyed at the Mission Inn Festival of Lights.

Hundreds: of people met; patients seen; dollars spent on cat's vet bill, car brakes, and repairing backlight of laptop; hours spent studying for PA exam.

Dozens: empanadas made for graduation; hours spent on trains; number of goals I came up with after I finish PA school; cactus needles pulled from my leg; friends that I haven't heard from in years that I found on Facebook.

60 blog posts written

33 classmates to share my joy of graduation with

28 years to look back on

14 hours straight of partying in Las Vegas

10 weeks of work

9 months eagerly awaiting arrival of new nephew

8 airports traveled through

7 trips to IKEA

6: European hostels; painful hours to get through the PANCE; job interviews

5: nights of dancing in Sweden, hot dogs eaten in Europe

4: camping trips; movies seen in the theatre; job offers; temples seen/visited; Independence Days acknowledged (U.S.A., Norway, Argentina, and Mexico)

3: trips to the Huntington Library, National Parks (Sequoia, King's Canyon, Joshua Tree); days spent with big bro; new CDs; Jimmy Stewart movies watched this year; inspirational people who fulfilled their missions in life: Lora MacPherson, President Gordon B. Hinkley and stake president John Hadfield

2: singles wards; medical-related conferences (CAPA and Alagille Syndrome Symposium)

1: Master's research paper completed; day I should have called in sick; Danish eaten in Denmark; lay-off; apartment; new library card; and finally, 1 brand new nephew: Lucas Wesley


Mitchell4 said...

That's quite impressive. Sounds like a good year. Best of luck in 2009.

Andrea said...

Awesome post! Looks like you've had a very busy and successful year. Happy 2009! :)