To increase the reader interactivity of my blog, I'm following a blogging idea tht I ran across on some of my friends' blog. So here are the rules:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.
Let those good times roll, again!!!
Sadly, I don't have any in-person memories... But, I do remember laughing about your post that included Richard Simmons and that scary guy Mr. Goodbody... And ever since then, I've been a regular stalker of your blog :).
I remember our MIB-style marching band photo we took with Kara ... in our sunglasses. Trying to be all bad-arse. :o)
Dude. I pick just one? That means I'll have to sleep on it. The first thing that popped into my head was when we saw Beauty and the Beast. I know random huh. I'll try and come up with something cooler.
Oh the days of dog's chewing off your arms. :) I had forgotten! Some of my favorite memories of you were in the elevator on our last stretch to get to the pench....I'd try to make you pee yoru pants, every night! :) Yes, I can be evil at times. I also recalling you running into the hanging "basura baskets"......even on the hardest days, you managed to make me laugh, a lot!
When I think of you, the first thing I think of is how amazingly brave you are. I always remember reading your blog about camping by yourself. I know, it's kinda a lame memory, but I am totally jealous that you can do that! I'm such a baby I'd never even think about doing it.
Does that count, or do I have to come up with a favorite real memory of us?
Okay, I know this is a little late...
Hila: yes, I've only known you through blogs, but I remember the one where we walked down the memory lane of 80's televison sitcoms. That was great!
Margaret: So many years to go back, from girl scouts to band, and so on. I recall the one where there was a group that acted out a story that you wrote that had to do with a shoe... I still remember it for some reason and remember it being funny, though I realy can't recall the details of the story.
Becky: Even more years...I loved it when you came to my band concerts, especially in college and when you brought Grandma A along, those were some special times.
Andria:Haha! I remember those baskets! Unfortunately I did have some multiple occurrences of that in Tigre.
Heather: I loved it when we celebrated St. Patricks Day at your place. And the celestial mate. And the Pagean of the Masters was amazing! Thank you again.
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